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top blog and Domain name generator

07:54 Hasnain Mughal 0 Comments

(the post copyright make a website hub)
Finding the perfect name for your new blog can be a tricky task.
You will want something that is memorable, unique to you and your business and also something that might relate to your main keywords for SEO purposes. There are literally thousands of articles on choosing great names for blogs and websites.
But, instead of spending hours brainstorming the best website or blog name for your business, you can try one of the many great online tools for doing it for you. The idea of a blog name generator is not new and there are loads of them available. However, you’ll want to use one that will be simple to use and produce the best results as well.
Let’s take a look at some of the best…


What are wordoids? Simply put, they are words that are made up, look nice, and are great for naming things. These words can be unique names for your company, product, blog or domain.
Wordoid is a free and intelligent, naming tool and a most creative tool for generating a catchy and distinctive name for you. It actually invents new words and does it automagically. Phonetics’ rules are followed as well as roll off the tongue. You won’t find these words in a dictionary, but they sound like real words. These words can be created in English, Spanish, French, Italian or German. It is not only free, but it is most definitely easy to use.
There are five simple choices for you to select when generating names in Wordoid:
• Languages: You can select one language in order to get Wordoids created according to that language’s rules. You can also select two or more languages in order to blend tastes of several languages.
• Quality Level: The higher the quality level chosen determines just how similar or natural the words sound in relation to the language selected. The three choices include low, medium or high.
• Pattern: You are given the choice of entering a short fragment or not including a short fragment by leaving that field blank. Leaving the field empty will allow Wordoids to be created entirely at random. If you enter a short fragment to be included in your generated Wordoid, you can choose whether it should appear at the ending, containing or beginning.
• Wordoid Length: You are able to set the maximum length of your Wordoids. This selection is important since short ones look better than long ones. You can select whether the length is any number of letters between 5 and 15.
• Domain Names: You are given the choice of either showing or hiding Wordoids with .net and .com names availability. By selecting “show”, the site will show whether the Wordoid is available and where. For example, I chose to generate a Wordoid in English, at a maximum of 15 letters and beginning with “kid”. One Wordoid suggested was “kidstorio” and the site indicated that it was available as a .com and .net at GoDaddy.


Creating a domain name for your website or blog that is available doesn’t have to be a long, frustrating process that makes you want to scream. You can find a fantastic one in a flash with Lean Domain Search.
Common Method for Generating Domain Names on Lean Domain Search
Most people create their domain names by combining two or more words together. One of the words is usually related to their business, website or purpose such as SalesForce, BusinessWeek, Extreme Tech and many, many others. Lean Domain Search specializes in generating domain names of this type. In an effort to test just how simple it is to use Lean Domain Search, I entered “GamerAddict” in the domain search field. I was then offered 4,999 available domains containing gameraddict. Of those, I chose “GamerAddictHelp.com; and since that domain name is available, a pop up box indicated “Registration Options” including:
• GoDaddy
• Namecheap
• BlueHost (highly recommend & FREE domain name when you buy hosting – LATEST DEAL – $2.75 per month + Free Domain)
• Register and create a blog on WordPress.com

In addition, the site also notified me that “GamerAddictHelp.com” is available on Twitter.
All-in-all, I found the whole procedure both easy and completed the entire process in very little time.
Other Methods of Generating Domain Names on Lean Domain Search
• Prefixes and Suffixes – Lean Domain Search will either add a prefix at the front of the word or a suffix at the end of the word in order to generate domain names.
• .com – Because most nontechnical people associate .com domain names with the Internet, Lean Domain Search checks only for the availability of the .com for your domain name. Since the site only checks the .com, it does not show the .com in the domain name.
• No-no’s – You can’t use a number, hyphen or any other special character as part of your domain name. Lean Domain Search will indicate that it isn’t able to perform the search.

You Can Browse Your Search Results on Lean Domain Search
• Sorting and Filtering Search Results – Lean Domain Search provides easy popularity, length or alphabetically sorting of your search results. In addition, you can filter your search results to show you only the domain names that either start or end with your search term.
• Confirm the Search Result Availability – When you click on the domain name, a small window will pop up that checks whether the domain name is available. It will also check whether the name is available on Twitter.
• Domain Name Previously Registered – When you click on a domain name that was previously registered by someone else, the name box will turn pink.
• You Can Keep Track of Your Favorites – You can mark a search result that you like in order to keep track of it. All you have to do is click the star next to the domain name in the availability confirming window.




When you enter your targeted words and click search on Name Mesh, you are offered a selection of similar domain suggestions, common short domains, SEO-focused suggestions, mix suggestions and fun suggestions. These selections will allow you to find the perfect domain name for your blog or website.
The features of Name Mesh include the following:
• Each domain is marked with either red for not available or green for available. This site allows you to hide the unavailable domains.
• Name Mesh allows you to set a maximum character length for your blog or domain name.
• By clicking the domain option, you can see the domain name’s social availability on both Twitter and Facebook.
• Additional extensions such as .com, .co, .net and .io can be turned on or off. This gives you more or fewer choices of extensions.
• You can check new generic top level domains (gtlds) that are generally available such as .link, .email, .domains and many others. As they are launched, new gtlds are added.


Domains Bot is one of the easiest to use domain name generators due to its clean interface. To generate a domain name, you simply enter your keywords and click the search button. You can then refine your list further by selecting allow or disallow synonyms for each keyword, selecting the top level domain extensions (TLD) to be included, selecting your price range and more.
In addition, you will be shown a list of already-registered and available domain names. For each suggestion presented, you will be shown its social availability. Next to each suggestion you like, you click the “buy” button, and you will be directed to a list of suggested registration providers and their prices.


Nameboy allows you to find domain names through the use of a domain name search and the opportunity to register the domain name. It is a URL generator, company name generator and a website name generator.
Generating a domain name is simple and fast with Nameboy. All you have to do is enter a primary keyword. You can also enter a second keyword if you wish. You then specify whether you will accept a domain name with a hyphen. Since a cached database of domain names is used by Nameboy, it is fast, but the domain name you like best may be previously registered by someone else.
Additional features of Nameboy include:
• You can login and save the available domain names you like in a cart for later registration of the domain name. You hit the “Login” on the upper-right corner of the NameBoy search page, and all of your favorite, available domain names are saved in your search cart of domain names.
• Your domain name search cart can also be used to keep track of the domain names you currently own in order to allow you to manage them from this one convenient location. You simply login, click the Domain Cart, and click “Add names I own”. After clicking “Manage” next to each domain in your list, you should go to the management page of the original registrar.


If you’re looking for a blog or domain name generator that is above all simple to use, you’ll like this one.  Panabee is definitely one of the simplest name generators online. This is because all you do is enter a keyword or two, and Panabee automatically merges the words, adds characters, or spells the words backwards. Additional names are created by dropping the last vowel, dropping the first letter, doubling the last letter or adding the keyword twice.
With Panabee, you are also able to select a domain extension since it supports many extensions such as .com, .net, .org, .us, .in, etc. However, you can simply add your desired extension when you add your keyword even if it isn’t available, and Panabee will take care of the rest.
Your blog or domain name can be registered if it is available at GoDaddy with a simple click on the name.
Terms that are related to your keyword are shown to you below the name suggestions. Also shown to you below it are public links and posts from Google and Facebook.
Apps that are related to your keyword from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store are displayed on the right side.
Additionally, both registered and available international domains are also displayed.
You won’t be disappointed with the appealing design of this site, the simplicity of use and the amazing speed.


With NameStation, you are able to generate both random blog names and keyword included blog names. Being an intelligent Blog Name Generator, it generates word extensions that are relevant to your specified keyword.
NameStation offers you:
• Random names generated or keyword domains
• Automatic blog name generator suggestions that are good blog names and keywords that are relevant
• Both search suggestions and keyword lists
• Bulk domain checks that are fast
• Public naming contest opportunities
• Suggestions of cool blog names from other users that are given manually
A registration fee is required at NameStation.


Domain Fellow may be one of the oldest engines for domain suggestions on the Internet, but it still remains one of the best domain generators. With Domain Fellow, you can create domain names that are both meaningful and short and also check their availability. It also allows you to create outstanding domains by combining your keywords or using a database of categorized popular words. Not only is Domain Fellow easy to use; it is also free.
Your domain registration is not done by Domain Fellow. However, it does refer you to an accredited, high-quality registrar such as Verisign or Dolstar. There is no charge for any services performed by Domain Fellow, and domain registrar does not charge an additional markup for customers sent by Domain Fellow.
If you want to see if your keyword is popular, check it out at Google Keyword Tool.
If you want to check the trends for your keyword, check it out at Google Trends